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Labeling machine to adapt to the market to fully automatic development direction


Labeling machine to adapt to the market to fully automatic development direction

The main role of the automatic labeling machine is to use the label with adhesive to seal up the mouth. With the continuous development of industrial production, the production scale of the product is also expanding, the packaging not only requires tight, but also requires accurate and beautiful, so the packaging machinery industry has emerged a number of new equipment with high efficiency and packaging accuracy, high-speed labeling machine formally responds to the continuous development of packaging requirements and generated.

Technological innovation is the basis for high-speed labeling machine to adapt to the market

Although the small label on the commodity packaging is inconspicuous, but it can be said to be the product's "identity card", recording the product's production date, origin and other relevant information, it can be said that people know the product's first business card.

The pharmaceutical manufacturing industry is a large user of automatic labeling, the speed requirements are very high, the design of the labeling machine to take into account the integration of the labeling process before and after the labeling and provide additional features such as light inspection before labeling and automatic labeling into the bottle tray. The high-speed labeling machine uses motor drive, separate speed regulation, photoelectric control, reliable positioning, high sensitivity, high accuracy of labeling, can basically meet the packaging needs of the pharmaceutical industry.

Experts pointed out that the domestic automatic labeling machine can basically meet the needs of the domestic market, but also basically occupies the majority of the market share, but due to the limitations of the technical level, there are still some limitations in the packaging. For example, the labeling machine needs to handle very thin containers and labels, while the packagers' demand for diversity is stronger than ever, requiring a labeling system that can perform frequent production conversions and use different kinds of signs, in addition, in order to attract consumers, the shape of the container is increasingly diverse. This has put higher demands on the adaptability of the equipment of the highly labeling machine, etc.

The good domestic market environment also provides a breeding ground for the benign development of the industry. The current demand for high-speed labeling machines in pharmaceutical and food packaging is even more robust, but only by continuously achieving technological innovation to meet the ever-changing market demand.

Analysis of the development of automatic labeling machine

The main working principle of the automatic labeling machine is to feed the packaging containers to the automatic labeling machine through the conveyor belt at a constant speed, the mechanical fixing device will be separated from the packaging containers a fixed distance, and push the packaging containers along the direction of the conveyor belt. The mechanical system of the labeling machine includes a drive wheel, a labeling wheel, and a reel. The drive wheel intermittently drags the labeling belt in motion, and the labeling belt is pulled from the reel while passing through the labeling wheel. The labeling wheel will press the labeling belt on the packaging container. Automatic labeling machine with high degree of automation, high efficiency, wide range of applications, the main applicable labels are self-adhesive labels, self-adhesive film, electronic supervision code, bar code, etc., in the food, toys, daily chemical, electronics, pharmaceutical, hardware, plastic and other industries are widely used.

Automatic labeling machine can be well adapted to the production needs of various enterprises, and can perfectly complete the labeling operations. Automatic labeling machine in the design of a greater breakthrough, can be well adapted to the positioning of different bottle labeling, to achieve a multi-purpose machine, but also with the production line to complete the automated production; automatic labeling machine in the installation is very convenient, in the maintenance can also be easily and quickly completed, to bring convenience to the production of enterprises; adapt to different operating environments is another advantage of automatic labeling machine, the environment on the impact of the label is If the label is affected by the environment, can not be properly attached to the goods, the sales of goods will cause a great impact, automatic labeling machine can adapt to the working environment, to achieve the optimal label.

The market is no longer changing all the time, the demand is also changing, automated machinery is also increasingly popular. Automatic labeling machine can do with the "bottle" and change, is a commodity manufacturers in the fierce competition in the market a tool to help enterprises in the mall to open up the territory.

Nowadays, the development of the times is colorful, science and technology has been advancing by leaps and bounds, people's new pursuit is ever-changing, the emergence of automatic labeling machine into a new field, this new field of development, greatly improving the development of automatic labeling machine forward, so some companies have begun to try this new technology, new technology is always popular, automatic labeling machine with advanced technology to bring the benefits of the crowd The unanimous praise of enterprises, only innovative thinking to impress enterprises and use their equipment, so the development of innovative automatic labeling machine is the future forward beacon. Automatic labeling machine step with the times, is the product of technological development, the emergence of automatic labeling machine to drive the development of related industries, personalized design, and automation technology are undoubtedly highlights the charm of automatic labeling machine, compared with the automatic labeling machine on the market, Xuan Jue's automatic labeling machine is simple and convenient to run, high-tech products continue to pour in, it can be described as a burst, at the forefront of the market For the automatic labeling machine perfect completion of labeling work to win the favor of the majority of customers, Starfire's automatic labeling machine not only perfect completion of labeling work, more able to complete the task with its own high efficiency, high quality, the maximum benefit for customers, thus becoming the customer's right-hand man, bringing a constant stream of gospel for the enterprise.

Automatic labeling machine in the packaging field is the most widely used and popular. Because the circulation of goods can not be separated from the goods label, it can tell consumers all the information of the product, to do the evidence. Without a clear and beautiful atmosphere of the goods label in the same product is difficult to attract the consumer's attention and favor. These are only the role of the labeling machine, we are more concerned about the performance of the labeling machine, after all, only stable mechanical performance to ensure that the machinery to achieve efficient production.

Automatic labeling machine in the packaging field is the most widely used and most popular. Because the circulation of goods can not be separated from the goods label, it can tell consumers all the information about the product, to do the evidence. Without a clear and beautiful atmosphere of the goods label in the same product is difficult to attract the consumer's attention and favor. These are only the role of labeling machine, we are more concerned about the performance of the labeling machine, after all, only stable mechanical performance to ensure that the machinery to achieve efficient production. Labeling machine mechanical performance of the main 5 blocks.

1, touch screen operating system, PLC control.

2, accurate label positioning, labeling accuracy of ± 1mm.

3, labeling speed and conveying speed to maintain synchronization, to ensure that the label does not wrinkle.

4、If you use transparent labels need to be retrofitted with transparent label electric eye option.

5、The whole machine is made of stainless steel material, sturdy and durable.

Automatic labeling machine using automatic alternate feeding mechanism not only to ensure the rapidity of the supply, but also to ensure the continuity of the supply, so that the labeling machine production efficiency is greatly improved, convenient and practical. The label dispenser can send up spare labels at any time. http://commonsfanghard.com/


url: http://commonsfanghard.com/en/news/357.html


Shenzhen Changhao Huifeng Industrial Co.

9F, Zhengke Times, No.17, Industrial Road 1, Da Wang Shan, Shajing Street, Baoan District, Shenzhen
